UN & its impotence
Posted: Wednesday, May 1, 2002

To all UN signatories and UN official representatives.

I am sick and tired of Israel's arrogance, ignorance, and violence with particular regard to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Has the UN any teeth at all? Is there a single man or woman in the UN with the nerve to make bold public statements of FACT regarding the situation? Or, are you all in collusion with Israel and the US? Is your silence in the television media indicative of collusion?

Where is your voice?

Why am I not hearing a loud UN voice in the media, in open forum, asking the government of Israel if it believes the people on the Jenin fact-finding mission would deliberately lie and arrive at conclusions which are simply not representative of the truth? Is the Israeli government casting doubt upon the intellectual ability of the team members to reach “real” and “solid” conclusions that are in tune with the reality of the situation?

It is not a complicated issue:

· Israel is occupying land to which it has no LEGAL right
· Israel is in breach of a multitude of UN SCRs
· Israel is maintaining the status quo so that it can continue the kinds of inhuman acts it is perpetrating against the Palestinian people
· As long as Palestine is without statehood it has little protection under international law – You know it and so do we
· Israel is in breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention, both in terms of its treatment of the Palestinian people and by virtue of the fact that it is putting settlers on Palestinian land

The solution is simple:

· Remove Israel from the OPTs and free the Palestinians from the “illegal” occupation
· Force Israel to comply with all SCRs by landing UN forces directly in the OPTs
· Immediately give Palestine recognition as a state in its own right so that it can make formal alliances under international law, as a state, and seek real and active protection and assistance from allies under international treaty law
· Seek redress on behalf of the Palestinians for the treatment they have received at the hands of their Israeli captors

Thirty-five years of occupation are quite enough

OH, but America won’t like it!

So what! Use international law and the media to make your point.

The UN is far too silent on these key issues. Similarly, Koffi Annan is about as much use as a concrete parachute. Talk about ineffectual. Pull yourselves together and demonstrate some moral outrage at the prevaricating lies, and outright cheating perpetrated by consecutive Israeli governments against the PEOPLE (not statistics) of Palestine.

No longer can the UN continue in this fashion. WE – THE WORLD PUBLIC – are far too clued-up, savvy, and sophisticated today to accept claptrap, whitewash, yellow-belly, tricky-dicky, wishy-washy, soft-soap excuses, and the kind of lip service we hear bandied around by people such as Mr. Annan.


Do your jobs, or resign and appoint people to these posts, such as myself, who are not afraid to speak out and tell it like it is.

Concrete solutions are what we want and what the people of Palestine deserve.

Is it possible that you can not see that Israel is trying to allow so much time to pass as possible to enlarge and consolidate its settlements with the intention of stating, in the distant future, that the settlers are Sooo settled that they can not possibly be uprooted from their homes?

Are you aware that the UN is perceived (by most intelligent and conscious people) to be toothless, a severe waste of oxygen, and an even greater waste of money?

This is something that should worry you and also be something you wish to redress.

Finally, are UN staff nice and cosy in their positions?

Do you revel in the kudos you derive from telling friends and family that you work for the UN? Does it make strangers you meet in bars raise an eyebrow and say, “Really? That must be soooo exciting!?” Do you like to absorb the notion from people that you are important and fulfilling an important role in the world? Oooh, does it give you a warm full feeling in your chest and stomach whilst you sit there and respond as though saving the world was “just this thing you do on a daily basis” and has become so normal for you “that you don’t even give it a second thought” it’s just so everyday for you.

Well stop it! Those feelings are false and undeserved if you cannot solve an issue such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after thirty-five years (if you only go back to 1967 and 1948) yo deserve little respect.

You do not deserve any respect because you are in debt, in the “respect” league, to the tune of every Palestinian and Israeli life that has been lost since the UN took over the role of “world police”.

Stop annoying us and do your jobs. Gird your loins, take a deep breath, and make the calls, write the letters, and make the PUBLIC statements. Use CLEAR TERMS readily understood by even the LEAST INTELLECTUALLY DEVELOPED individuals. Let there be no doubt about the situation, Israel’s role, Palestine’s role, your role and the SIMPLE path to a resolution. Do it now! Stop your waste of human life and time. Understand that for every death you too are responsible. That’s just real life.


David Kenneth Stone

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