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God said vengeance is mine

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September 18, 2001

By Lloyd Scott

It is said that what is hidden from the wise and prudent no reveals to the babes and sucklin. There was a special children programme hosted by Peter Jennings last Saturday and one kid commented on the show that America was getting a taste of it's own medicine.

Although last Tuesday's attack on the Pentagon and TWC was a sad day in the world, I am force to agree with the sentiments of that kid, as the U.S. did get a taste of it's own medicine.

Apart from the lost of life and destruction, what was equally tragic was the billowing smoke, or soot, of hypocracy show by senior members of the U.S. administration, both Democrats and Republicans alike.

America as shown from time memorial scant regards for peoples lives both within its borders and overseas. The CIA has brought governments to its knees, induced famine to countries it perceived to be the enemy.

The U.S. has used its monetary powers to control tiny struggling countries that has led to a form of modern day slavery. On the home front, blacks still live in abject poverty. When they say blacks are a minority, they mean it. Blacks are really minor consideratons in the eyes of white America. They only need blacks in times of war or election time.Blacks are also useful guinea pigs for census and research.

Ironically,George W.Bush's father was at the helm of the CIA when cocaine was sold in black neighbourhoods to raise funds for the contra rebels in Nicuaraga. Cuba is still isolated, yet China is embrace as a trading partner despite running tanks over dissidents. Yes, the TWC and the Pentagon went down, reduced to dust, but amidst the fumes and ashes, roused the edifice of a towering hypocracy and double standard.

History will not only judge the perpetrators of this dastardly act, but does who constantly harp for democracy, peace and stabilty, and a better standard of life for the peoples of the world.

Let those who were killed at the Pentagon, the TWC, western Pennsylvania, be enshrined in our hearts as a way to seek lasting peace and not a tomb of vengeance. I agree that those who committed that should punished,but a witch hunt for the unknown would only create another set of terrorist. God said vengeance is mine.

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