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Show Trials and Phony Confessions Target Syria
Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2005

Whispers That Destroy Nations
The mysteriously discernible message asked travelers to be alert and report any "suspicious" person or behavior. A gray-haired woman next to me unleashed an expletive in a delivery worthy of a New Yorker. I smiled my approval. The other six people waiting for the train inched down the platform uncomfortably, and it occurred to me that the outspoken woman and I were being regarded as suspicious.

Torture Nation
Nearly a year has passed since the lurid photographs of Abu Ghraib first surfaced, briefly capturing the attention of the nation. Even to a public saturated by every imaginable form of transgression, the bizarre images of "Hooded Man," the piles of naked bodies and sordid sexual domination stood out, whether because they seemed like demons lurching from the Puritan unconscious, or just because they were so baldly at variance with the fairy tales through which much of the nation had been sleepwalking since September 11.

Ritual & Sexual Torture in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib

Rummy TV
The Bush administration has shown a willingness to do just about anything to manipulate public opinion. It paid pundits to say nice things about it. It spent lavishly to create bogus--and, according to the comptroller general, illegal--video news reports on the president's Medicare, education and drug policies. And it has given us Gannon/Guckert-gate.
New evidence shows No 10 'push to war'

President's Uncle Bucky emerges as a big winner from Iraq war
The Iraq war has produced many winners and many losers. And one small but significant winner is a certain William "Bucky" Bush, brother of one president and uncle to the current occupant of the White House.

UK lawyer warned Iraq war was illegal
The British government's top lawyer warned less than two weeks before the US-led invasion of Iraq that military action could be illegal.
Yet two weeks later, a summarised statement read out by the Attorney General to the British Parliament expressed only that Iraq was in likely breach of material sanctions.

Voting for Brutality
More and more news is surfacing of prisoners being tortured by U.S. interrogators – in Afghanistan, throughout Iraq, at Guantanamo, of "renditions" wherein the U.S. military or the CIA flies prisoners to countries like Syria or Egypt (countries with less democracy than Iraq had under Hussein) to be tortured without Americans getting their hands dirty.

Where is al-Zarqawi?

'U.S. to attack Syria and further destabilize Middle East?'
President Bush is on the warpath again, this time threatening to force changes in Syria, which he claims "is out of step" with Middle Eastern "progress." Following the assassination of billionaire Rafik Hariri, former Lebanese prime minister, the U.S. withdrew its ambassador from Syria, despite the lack of any proof that Syria was involved. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Syria of backing insurgents in Iraq and trying to "blow up" the peace process between Israel and Palestine, and she demanded that Syria withdraw its 14,000 troops from Lebanon.

Show Trials and Phony Confessions Target Syria
AP reports on a televised confession of someone who said he was a Syrian agent in Iraq in charge of terrorist operations. The confession was broadcast on US-backed al-Iraqiyah television, and was produced presumably by the former Baath domestic intelligence officers appointed by Iyad Allawi. These confessions are phony as a three-dollar bill (or a three-Euro coin).

Iraqi TV Airs Tape of Purported Confession

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