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Bush and Bin Laden use similar language
Posted: Monday, February 14, 2005

The BBC: premier propagandist for the imperium
I have written about the mythological Abu Musab al-Zarqawi several times before as have other writers. The question we need to ask is why does the state and hence its servant, the corporate media have need of such a ‘person’?

French Hone Hypocrisy In Africa

Bush wants $82 billion more for Iraq, Afghanistan

Lies, Damned Lies And Rice
The Bush propaganda campaign against Iran is under way. The American press, compliant to the end, will dutifully spread the Bushies' propaganda. The liberals in the media, fearful of being called unpatriotic, or worse, liberal, will give the Bushies the slant they crave. The conservatives in the media will cheerfully continue on their flag-waving, apple-polishing way. They'll parade their red, white and blue "patriotism" much like a hooker with a cross around her neck parades her virtue. To prove to the world how virtuous they are, the Bushies will soon go to the United Nations and ask for its cooperation in letting us throttle Iran. Their request will be couched in terms making it impossible for the U.N. to comply. When the U.N. rejects the insincere entreaty, the Bushies will badmouth it, and then declare that circumstances have become so dire that America must once again go it alone.
And then the bombs will burst in air, and the rockets will red glare.

Post-Election Iraq
Why were people asked to vote for lists, rather than individuals? Why were individuals' names kept secret? Did people know who they were voting for?

Britain Wanted A 'Sexier' Iraqi Weapons Report Claims Scientist
An Australian scientist involved in the US search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq today said the CIA censored his reporting so that it suggested the weapons existed.

'Wild West' system of contracting exposed
American officials in Iraq paid one contractor by stuffing $2m of bills into his bag and regularly delivered cash payments in a pick-up truck, a former official said yesterday. He said the system was like the Wild West.

Returning Afghans were promised a new life. They have misery and death

Bush and Bin Laden use similar language: Khatami
President Mohammad Khatami said here on Sunday that U.S. President George W. Bush and Al-Qaeda terrorist network leader Osama bin Laden use very similar language. "The words and deeds of Bush and Bin Laden are alike, producing the sound of violence and waging war against the world. In fact, the words used by Bush and Bin Laden are almost exactly the same,"

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