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Posted: Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Brazil to fingerprint US citizens
A Brazilian judge has announced that US citizens will be fingerprinted and photographed on entering the country.

A Short History of Saddam-Bush-Noriega Business
"Saddam Hussein is a guy who came to power through a CIA instigated coup,"

Manufacturing Hysteria
As it turns out, the ubiquitous al-Qaeda harbored no such plans to bomb Las Vegas -- or, for that matter, any other target in America over the most cherished and commercialized of holidays. Apparently, the whole thing was idle speculation on the part of the Washington Post.

The Occupation is Damned

Double vision
The Associated Press is drunk, seeing double. Gone are the days when the press protected the public by informing it of the facts in all cases. Now their lot in life is to protect corporations and uphold the government that helps those corporations along.

Sovereignty bigger than individual leaders
Bush has broken international law by launching pre-emptive strikes on two nations whose populations are 50 percent children. He has also violated the 1949 Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians during hostilities and treatment of prisoners of war (POWs). Most importantly he has trashed the United Nations and launched unprecedented genocide using banned weapons particularly cluster bombs which are still maiming innocent Iraqi children today. If anyone deserves the hangman's noose, it is George Bush himself.

Syria was conduit for Saddam arms
A host of companies around the world provided military equipment to Iraq in the run-up to war, sending it mainly through Syria, according to documents discovered in Baghdad. If that is so then that was not a bad thing. I mean Saddam was expecting an illegal invasion based on lies. Many around the world knew the US claims were lies.

Tape confirms Iraqis tried to save U.S. POWs
Johnson, who recently retired from the Army, saw the tape for the first time Tuesday. "It was a little shocking to see Lori, but it also gave me a little peace to know that they tried, they did their best for her," said Johnson, 30, of El Paso, Texas. "I mean, it was obvious they tried to bandage her up and give her medical care."

Iran Says U.S. Aid Won't Help Relations
"Humanitarian issues should not be intertwined with deep and chronic political problems," Khatami said. "If we see change both in tone and behavior of the U.S. administration, then a new situation will develop in our relations."

Was it really the US that 'got him'?
More than two weeks after the US civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, uttered those words at a press conference in Baghdad, reports continue to circulate that Saddam Hussein was first captured by a Kurdish-led intelligence unit, drugged, then put into the "spider hole" to be taken by the US military.

Grieving families take US payout
The families of six of the 10 Australian victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks are expected to receive an average of $US1.8 million ($2.4 million) in compensation from the US Government, in exchange for giving up their right to sue.

Creating Democracy In Afghanistan
Was Doomed From The Start

Two years after American troops arrived in Kabul, how is the Bush administration's project for a democratic and prosperous Afghanistan coming along? Well, the opium crop is booming: 3,600 metric tons this year, almost back up to the peak production of 4,600 metric tons that was reached before the Taliban banned the crop in 1999. Virtually none of the revenue finds its way into the hands of Hamid Karzai's interim government in Kabul; the provincial warlords who control almost everything outside the capital keep it for themselves.

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