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Private Lynch, symbol of a fictitious war
Posted: Monday, July 14, 2003

Bush Speech in Africa

US is sliding into major energy crisis

Iran makes massive oil find - reports
¥ Shhh, not so loud the US is sliding into a major energy crisis.

Liar! Liar! Speech on Fire!

A little defensive today?
Donald Rumsfeld testified in front of a congressional hearing last week saying that he just found out about the Niger report being false in the last couple days. And he said it with a straight face.

The Dubious Suicide of George Tenet
Here is CIA Director Tenet arguing in October of 2002 against the use of the Niger evidence, stating bluntly that it was useless. He made this pitch directly to the White House. These concerns were brushed aside by Bush officials, and the forged evidence was used despite the warnings in the State of the Union address. Now, the administration is trying to claim they were never told the evidence was bad. Yet between Tenet's personal appeals in 2002, and Ambassador Wilson's assurances that everyone who needed to know was in the know regarding Niger, it appears the Bush White House has been caught red-handed in a series of incredible falsehoods.

UN questions British Iraq nuclear proof

Bring 'em someone else
In a letter to Congress, a soldier wrote, "The way we have been treated and the continuous lies told to our families back home has devastated us." Said another soldier, "The level of morale for most soldiers that I've seen has hit rock bottom."

Bogus From The Beginning

Crying wolf

Agencies hit by row over Iraq weapons
In a dispute with serious political repercussions for Tony Blair and George Bush, the CIA and MI6 have made it clear that they do not believe each other's intelligence, notably about a claim that Iraq was trying to obtain uranium from the west African state of Niger for nuclear weapons.

Democrats step up pressure on uranium claims
The Bush administration tried to bring the African uranium row to an end yesterday, insisting that the American people have "moved on", but it was clear that the scandal over the president's case for war in Iraq was still gathering momentum.

Schwarzenegger wants to be a US governor
As an inarticulate sex-pest and ex-druggie, he's perfectly qualified

Wish you weren't here
America just loves immigration - it's immigrants who aren't popular. As Muslims are now finding out

Bush's popularity on the skids

British Public Have Lost Faith in Tony Blair

Private Lynch, symbol of a fictitious war

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