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Headlines Jan 27
Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2003

Lies, damned lies and more damned lies

Blix questions Iraq's cooperation
Blix questions Iraq's cooperation

Chief weapons inspector Hans Blix, left, gives a thumbs-up to U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte, top right, and a Kuwaiti diplomat, lower right, before delivering his report Monday.
Photo and caption exactly as it was carried
on MSNBC Website through the above link. 01/27/2003

NOTE: MSNBC removed the photo, caption and headline from the article and replaced it with a new photo and headline. Check the right of the page for the old headline that routes to the new photo and article. Notice the thumbs up Blix gave to the U.S. Ambassador and Kuwaiti diplomat BEFORE delivering his report.

UPDATE: The headline "Blix questions Iraq's cooperation" has been removed from the right side of the MSNBC website.

¤ Inspector asks Security Council to continue
¤ Blix Raps Iraq for Gaps in Arms Document
¤ U.S. reluctant to reveal data on weapons Sources

Gaza in shock at bloody aftermath

Greenpeace Blockades Military Port
Greenpeace activists were today involved in the blockade of a major UK military port in protest against possible war in Iraq.

Concern Grows Over U.S. Need for Allies
The Bush administration is entering a week of crucial decision-making on Iraq looking for ways to patch a damaging transatlantic rift that could jeopardize many of its longer-term foreign policy goals, including the war on terrorism.

Powell ties Saddam regime to al Qaeda
He pointed to a direct link between Saddam's regime and Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network, although he stopped short of suggesting that Iraq has anything to do with the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

U.S. Offers Turkey $4 Billion

Report: Turkey, U.S. Agree on Troops
Turkey's military will allow up to 20,000 U.S. troops to pass through the country into northern Iraq in the event of war, a newspaper report said Sunday.

Why is there urgency for War?
What is the immediate threat that Saddam poses to the U.S. or any other nation that requires an urgent War response? Certainly, urgency can only be about another U.S. election distraction and Oil interests. - Ayinde

Blair hands UN 'evidence' to justify war on Iraq
TONY Blair has handed secret MI6 files to the United Nations to justify war against Iraq WITHOUT the discovery of weapons. The Premier said yesterday that he would back an attack on Saddam Hussein even if inspectors found no trace of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. He hinted that military strikes could start within weeks.

Robert Fisk: The wartime deceptions:
Saddam is Hitler and it's not about oil

The Israeli writer Uri Avnery once delivered a wickedly sharp open letter to Menachem Begin, the Israeli prime minister who sent his army to defeat in Lebanon. Enraged by Begin's constant evocation of the Second World War – likening Yasser Arafat in Beirut to Hitler in his Berlin bunker in 1945 – Avnery entitled his letter: "Mr Prime Minister, Hitler is Dead." How often I have wanted to repeat his advice to Bush and Blair.

Powell claims Saddam has 'clear ties' to al-Qaeda
"The nexus of tyrants and terror, of terrorists and weapons of mass terror, is the greatest danger of our age," Powell warned.

Saddam has 'clear ties' to al-Qaeda? Lies, Lies and more Lies. This is recycled propaganda. As Bush and his goons try to gain support for their Racist, Power-hungry Oil War, they are asking for truth from Saddam but they feel no obligation to be truthful. Powell have volunteered to be the official 'house slave' for what is a White power agenda. Remember all wars start with Lies and this time the U.S. is leading.

Janeane Garofalo Should Be Taken Seriously
Janeane Garofalo says she knows why Fox, CNN, MSNBC and "Good Morning America" have booked her to argue against war with Iraq. "They have actors on so they can marginalize the movement," the stand-up comic says. "It's much easier to toss it off as some bizarre, unintelligent special-interest group. If you're an actor who is pro-war, you're a hero. If you're an actor who's against the war, you're suspect. You must have a weird angle or you just hate George Bush."

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