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US Bullies UN
Posted: Monday, December 9, 2002

¤ Venezuelan Majority Takes to the Streets, Coup Plotters Hide
¤ Venezuelan Coup tonight?

UN row erupts over Iraq dossier
The United States has handed copies of Iraq's weapons dossier to the other four permanent members of the UN Security Council, sparking complaints from some of the 10 Council members who have been excluded. Despite an initial agreement that Iraq's 12,000-page weapons dossier would remain in possession of the UN, the US on Sunday reached an agreement with the head of the Security Council to copy and distribute the document itself. American diplomats pressed Colombia, which holds the Security Council's rotating presidency for December, to allow the US to take charge of the copying process. Colin Powell was in Colombia last week offering increase US military aid to the government.

Iraq file lists suppliers of dangerous arms

How did Iraq get its weapons?
THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.

US upsets UN by seizing Iraq's arms declaration
The United States upset other Security Council members by removing the only complete copy of Iraq's declaration of its weapons of mass destruction from UN headquarters soon after it arrived, diplomats said Monday.

US and UK admit lack of 'killer' proof
The US and Britain lack "killer" intelligence that will prove conclusively that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, according to sources in London and New York. "If we had intelligence that there is a piece of weaponry at this map reference, we would tell the inspectors and they would be there like a shot," a source said. "We've been told the intelligence would be forthcoming after the declaration has been delivered," Ms Fleming said. US officials said that the CIA and national laboratories specialising in chemical, biological and nuclear warfare had begun an analysis of the entire Iraqi declaration, and had been told to focus on a handful of Iraqi claims that could be proved false with available intelligence.

'It's time to take risks'
In 1971, former marine Daniel Ellsberg leaked documents that exposed US government lies and helped end the Vietnam war. He tells Duncan Campbell why he did it, and why he is calling on today's officials to do the same to the Bush regime - and prevent a war in Iraq

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