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Bali is a victim of ‘with us or against us’ policy
Posted: Sunday, October 20, 2002

By Davy de Verteuil

Indeed a confirmation of my fears post 9/11 US British-with Us or against Us policy. In short you're not with the new imperialism so you're an Al -Qaida.

If at all the democratic process should hinder any government from the ad-hoc arbitrary demands by the chief lead in this Mc Carthyism Oop`s Rumsfield-Rice-Cheney-Dubya Co-operatism/era then they'll be bought-on-board.

Although Malaysia and Indonesia were overly supportive Malaysia took the initiative in the so-called war on terror first Dr. Mahathir sanction and support in the bombardment of Afghanistan where thousands are killed and many more thousands of Muslim lives disrupted, then with the purchase of F18 jets from the US thus canceling an almost done deal with the Ukraine which was far better especially considering the interest of Malaysian Taxpayers. Then there was/is the fueling of US/British warships, ongoing exchanges and interaction of police personnel and information and the FBI, a new open-doors yet secretive policy of the Evangelical order, a hardcore fundamentalist US based movement now operating in converted warehouses and dysfunctional factories outlets and last but not least the detention without trial of political dissenters was also a dual-purpose instrument in Dr. Mahathir compromise toward the hegemonic order.

Then came the US graciousness, fist was Dubya's refusal to meet for more than 15 minutes with Dr. Mahathir while on a visit in the US. Another meeting with the US President was rescheduled but only to Dr. Mahathir's regret he was rudely handled by US secret service agents "Rambo style" while in his aircraft. Sources alleged that the PM's bodyguards was forcefully disarmed and shouted down and body search, a blatant disregard of the rules and protocol afforded visiting heads of state and members of the diplomatic community.

A few months followed and the Malaysian deputy Prime Minister along with his entire entourage was in for a further roughing-up in fact they were made to strip-off their dignity.

As if nothing had happen less than a month after the incidents a request from the US intelligence for the demand of an American student studying at one of the local university in Malaysia was promptly obliged that further discredited the Deputy PM who according to most locals cow-tow to the cowboys in the North. Word in the street is - their leaders had bend over backward to please the US without any legal grounds or evidence from the US and soon they fear that the detention without trial act 'ISA' will be use against critics of US and British policy in the region and in the country.

As though not satisfied the Far Eastern Review, the CIA fund magazine claimed that Malaysia was ridden with bombings suggesting that the country was unsafe for tourists and investment as if it wasn't enough Malaysia's ruling governing party was simultaneously accused in another British/Israeli based publisher the new 'Salman Rushdie' another peep-squeak - flight-by-night Asian intellectual on the rise, only this time bogusly aiming at Islam's hardcore secularist party rigged with a coalition that have no interest in Islam or its followers.

"Hindus & Chinese" would like to see the backs of Muslims in the region and Malays and Indonesian are no exception. With the constantly growing evangelical missions in Malaysia especially amongst the BN coalition, one assumed that the gods were pleased.

From a historical point of view Malaysian policy advisory seemed inept in anticipation of US interest and US friendship.

Henry Kissinger once remarked that the US friends come and go but it's interest remains the same. This reminds me of the shark and the sardines.

The way one look at the current happenings and relation between the creators and supporters of the al Qaida, one cannot help but notice the concerted effort toward destroying the economy (tourists industry) of Indonesia Malaysia and southern Philippine.

All appearances are that the Northern elite will have their way and the recent developments are nothing short of the US conveying their heart felt appreciation for Asia's lackluster surrendering in meeting their hegemonic designs.

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