Everyone has their own opinion about war, and to be perfectly honest with you, I don't think that ANYONE likes war. But I also don't think that anyone likes what happened on 9-11, and if you don't accept people killing families and people just visiting the country how could you agree with us NOT going to war not on a country, but on a government that killed children for believing what they wanted to, fathers, mothers, even infants. I believe that anyone who can take out war on their own country, deserves the challenge, and speaking of Jesus...it's in the Bible "An Eye for an Eye". We're not at war with Iraq, their people, the muslims, we're at war with people who believe that they can kill who they want to, whenever they want to for whatever reason they want to, in our country that would never be allowed. The Iraqi people deserve a chance to have a real life and be able to have dreams and beliefs just like any other person. We're not making a problem, we're finally resolving a problem that needed to be faced a long time ago. I am a firm believer in freedom, and the Iraqi people are finally being liberated.